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Publisher information

The website (hereafter referred to as the "Site") is published and operated by the company Thimon (with a capital of 600 000€).

Business name : THIMON
RCS : 501 720 346 R.C.S. Chambéry
Head Office : Savoie Hexapôle - 170 rue Louis Armand - BP 69 - 73420 Méry - France
Phone : 04 79 61 00 44

Hosting information

Code APE 2829A - N° TVA : FR 01 414 552 356
Head Office : Savoie Hexapôle - 170 rue Louis Armand - BP 69 - 73420 Méry - France

Intellectual property and copyright

The presentation and content of this site together constitute a work protected by the international conventions and laws in force on intellectual property and in particular copyright, unfair competition and trademarks. No reproduction or representation can take place without the prior written consent of the company Thimon.

In spite of all the care brought to the realization of this site and to its regular update, errors may have slipped into the information and/or documents presented. The users of the site will thus proceed to all useful checks, the responsibility of the editor cannot be engaged because of possible errors.